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Writer's pictureJay Topping

Macabre has been awarded Screen Australia's Games: Expansion Pack grant

Updated: Aug 8, 2022

We're incredibly excited and humbled to announce Macabre has been selected for Screen Australia Games: Expansion Pack grant!

Jake and I have always been avid "gamers", but it wasn't until about a year ago that we realised our background in Spatial Audio and Film Direction translated perfectly to game development. Together we founded Weforge Studio and began concepting our dream game. Over the following months we began assembling an incredible team and began relentlessly working on Macabre.

In March, we came across the games: Expansion pack fund, an initiative from Screen Australia - Our Federal Government's funding body for the screen production industry.

The games sector is a fast-growing space and very important part of the Australian screen ecosystem. Australians working in the games sector are making names for themselves internationally in what is an extremely competitive industry.

—Graeme Mason, Screen Australia’s CEO

We couldn't agree more, this is a massive step in the right direction for the Australian games industry and something we knew we had to be a part of. Aside from all of the other submission documentation, we knew we had to create something that showed we could make an immersive multiplayer horror game.

With the help of our programmer Ben, we wrangled together our existing recourses and infrastructure to screen-record a hypothetical gameplay scenario. Everything was implemented for real in UE5 over a network, and we screen-record the play-through live from a player's perspective. It's still early days, but we hope it gives an idea of the direction we want to take Macabre.

“The Australian Government is committed to supporting the Australian digital games sector - to create, innovate and flourish and achieve its full potential.”

—The Hon Tony Burke MP, Minister for the Arts

“These games are artistic, educational, inspiring and fun projects, and we’re pleased to have been able to support even more projects than we anticipated. It’s fantastic to have such a wide mix from all around the country.”

—Lee Naimo, Head of Online | Screen Australia

Receiving this grant adds tremendous wind to our sales and puts us on track to release in on Steam this time next year. A huge thanks to Screen Australia for supporting us and the Aussie games industry. We couldn't be more proud of what our team has achieved so far, and we cant wait to see what the future holds!

You can read more about the grant in Screen Australia's media release.

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